Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 7....

For we have Christ Jesus in our lives
And the power to overcome
As we keep praying and standing firm
All our battles shall be won.....

I don't know too many details yet, but we got word from Emily that she is out of surgery and it appears to have been successful.
The doctors were coming in to do rounds and updates, so as soon as I hear more I will let you all know.



  1. Dear Ton,
    Thanks for being so diligent and keeping us updated through this blog! Countless people are reading it and praying constantly. This is my third attempt to post a comment, so I guess it gets to be three times as long! CLINT: praying for your strength (emotional, mental, physical and most of all spiritual). Rest, for you are needed in so many lives. EMILY, KAILAH and ISAAC: Just praying for your mama! She loves you so! PAT and DENNIS: I cannot even begin to image your emotions as you look at your dear daughter! I pray the God of ALL comfort will sustain you hour by hour, minute by minute, second by second. And, TON: Ever vigilant, you are walking in a “big sister’s” shoes right now – Krissy will be amazed, yet not surprised, at your fortitude and tenacity. May our loving Father continue to provide you the strength to carry on! I LOVE YOU ALL! Now, KRISSY! My sweet little leader of all my nieces and nephews! Many memories in looking through my pictures, but a couple stand out. Just as your family cheered and applauded like crazy as you ran down the mountain and through the streets of Seward, Alaska, so we are rallying by your side as you are going through this test. You are not alone, Krissy Dawn! We are praying for every detail along the way. You may hit a pebble under your foot; your muscles may scream from the pain; your lungs may demand air and become exhausted; and you may feel like you cannot run another step. So, here we are Krissy! Running beside you, waiting for the celebration to begin as you cross the finish line!
    One memory I have on my wall is a plaque made by you and given to me when Tim was so sick. You made it with loving care, and etched in your perfect handwriting the poem:
    Waiting helps us to learn patience. Trying times are time to try more faith. Never give up. Keep on hoping, for God is certainly helping. He is there. He is listening, and He cares very deeply about you. –Robert Schiller
    This plaque has been packed, moved, unpacked and rehung too many times for me to count! Let’s just say it has earned frequent flier miles!! I will have it for always and I pass the message on to you now - - HE is listening to our prayers, and HE cares very deeply about you!
    Rest well and much love,
    Aunt Jeannie

  2. Hi, Tonya and all of you there with Kris! I have finally gotten the right letters in the right order and can get to this lovely blog. It is so good to have it to find out how Kris if progressing. I have shared the address with Mary and Carolyn as well as what info I had at the time. So hopefully word has reached all of the family and added more prayers and love for Kris to feel and know is there for her. We all know how strong and tuff she is and she will pull through with God's love and the love and prayers of her family and friends.
    Love and hugs to Clint and kids! You are all in our thoughts at this time of need.
